Wednesday, December 23, 2009

An ode to my principal

The desk is warm, the powerpoints done
If you allow me to leave, I'd get up and run
The school is cold, as is your heart
I have shopping to do, mostly at Emart
For it is Christmas, a time for loved ones
Not that you understand compassion and fun
Oh, I am so bored I should do something constructive
Like find a word that rhymes with constructive

Here I sit and will all week
And next and next until my sanity I seek
While my peers play on sandy escapes
I am left here with dreary landscapes
And I know that half a world away
My family without me embraces the holiday
If only I had the man sacks to run away free
Here and now, I would not be

But accept this I must
And put an end to my lust
Because Yoda I speak as though
Because my mind has turned to dough
Because I'm here all alone
With no one to talk to, no one to phone
Because you lost your heart one day
And make me at school stay

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