Tis the season to celebrate family, share your time with loved ones and enjoy life. But only if you don't work for a heartless tyrant in the Korean public education system. My Christmas season will be spent sitting at a desk alone in a cold dark school on the southern boundry of Seoul.
Fortunately, my principal likes me so while all the Korean teachers are at home with their families and every other foreign teacher I know is sluming their ways around South East Asia, I am rewarded with the opportunity of arriving to my job at 10 instead of the regular 830am. I'd hate to see what would happen if my wonderful principal didn't like me. More passive aggression? Actual daggers shooting from her eyes instead of metaphorical ones?
My mother always told me not to complain, it can always be worse. Well of course it can always be worse you alcoholic floozy. The point is that it can be better. If we all just sat around being satisfied with what we have because lord knows it could all disappear then nothing would ever get better. You think Einstein looked at a physics book and thought, "Oh, gee, the state of modern physics is disasterous. But I don't want to complain. Could be worse!" You think Lennon and McCartney looked at all the rock acts around them and thought, "Well, isn't that terrible. Oh well, could be worse! Let's get jobs at Burger King (or Burger Queen Mother, or whatever the Brits call it)"?
And I'm pretty much just like Einstein and the Beatles, except Canadian and slightly better looking. I could be out there right now curing cancer or saving babies from fires, but instead I'm forced to sit here in this cold lonely school. So, basically, my school is supporting cancer and killing babies. That is how horrible it is here. Wow, I always knew my principal was mean, but now that I think about all the people she's killing I'm starting to realize what kind of monster she really is.
In order to keep myself entertained and less angry this winter break I've decided to transcribe my dark disturbing thoughts here. If you also belong to the army of desk warmers valiantly protecting sanity and common sense from the clutches of the evil society of baby-murdering cancer inducing Principals I invite you to share your pain. I'm here for you, 8 hours a day 5 days a week. Because I'm not allowed to be anywhere else.
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